27 Gen La violenza sull’operatore sanitario: studio retrospettivo condotto presso le unità operative del presidio ospedaliero “V. Fazzi” di Lecce
Violence against healthcare workers: a retrospective study...
Violence against healthcare workers: a retrospective study...
Nurses’ belief and knowledge about blood culture: a multicenter study...
Home, Hospitals, Humans (HHH): a multidisplinary approach...
Advanced practice nurse: from the ICN framework to the Italian reality...
COVID-19: The effects of a training intervention within an international cooperation project in Iraqi Kurdistan. A quasi-experimental pre-post study...
Organizational Climate and Counterproductive Work Behavior in the implementation of a pathway for newly employed nurses: a pilot study in a Healthcare facility in Northern Italy...
Blood substitutes: critical analysis on three experimental studies...
Nursing-led Clinics in the Lombardy region (Italy): a survey...
Nothing will be LIKE BEFORE...
Gli infermieri raccontano le storie dei loro assistiti e si interrogano sui problemi etici...