22 Dic Donne e tecnologia: tra “effetto Matilda”, muri culturali e soffitti di cristallo, è tempo di cambiamenti
Women and technology: amidst the 'Matilda Effect', cultural barriers, and glass ceilings, it's time for change...
Women and technology: amidst the 'Matilda Effect', cultural barriers, and glass ceilings, it's time for change...
The self-care and the self-management in hematological malignancies: an observational study on patient perspective at the Day Hospital unit of Hematology and Clinical Immunology of the Azienda Ospedale - Università di Padova...
Key findings of a multicentric pilot project on Leaders’ and followers’ The perception assessment questionnaires in nursing at Duhok Hevi Paediatric Teaching Hospital and Erbil Rapareen Paediatric Teaching Hospital – Kurdistan Region...
"Knowing how to be" nurses: changing pace, opening up to do better...
Ethics Space: a place of sharing, care and self-care for healthcare professionals. The story of an experience of Well-Being...
Nursing footprints from the past towards the future...
Celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, the Italian Journal of Nursing showcases in its pages the history of the profession ...
Kangaroo Mother Care, benefits and barriers to implementation in clinical practice: a literature review...
Governo clinico nella gestione del rischio suicidario in emergenza-urgenza: il modello ICAR2E...
Defining the role of the Middle Nurse Manager in Italy: State of the art and organizational perspectives...