26 Mag I bisogni assistenziali nel paziente cardiopatico con obesità e diabete: studio retrospettivo caso-controllo
Care needs in cardiopathic patients with obesity and diabetes: an observational retrospective case-control study...
Care needs in cardiopathic patients with obesity and diabetes: an observational retrospective case-control study...
The home setting and therapeutic errors: new nursing paradigms...
An international project between the nursing professions order and Iraq: music beyond all borders...
Pilot Study: Use of Simulation as a tool for formative assessment of theoretical/practical knowledge of students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing...
The ability of nursing students to recognize and manage the patient’s clinical deterioration: a descriptive observational study...
The pain symptom in the person with cognitive disorders: role of the nurse a literature review...
The worth of performance...
Pain management in the Emergency Department: literature review and possible proposals in the Pre-Covid era...
Stoma care specialists at the time of the COVID-19: an experience from Milan...
Prevention of drug related falls in the elderly. A Review of the literature...