05 Mag Il sintomo dolore nella persona con disturbi cognitivi: ruolo dell’infermiere una revisione della letteratura
The pain symptom in the person with cognitive disorders: role of the nurse a literature review...
The pain symptom in the person with cognitive disorders: role of the nurse a literature review...
Pain management in the Emergency Department: literature review and possible proposals in the Pre-Covid era...
Prevention of drug related falls in the elderly. A Review of the literature...
Prevention of drug related falls in the elderly. A Review of the literature...
Venous access in the covid-19 emergency from first aid to intensive short observation (obi-2)...
Missed nursing care: a descriptive study about nurses’ perception in a large hospital in Milan...
Moral distress experienced by clinical research nurses during the clinical trials on vulnerable subjects: a narrative review...
Nursing care in the End of Life in Intensive Care Unit: knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals and nursing students...
Good nursing practices for performing blood culture: a review of the literature...
Violence against healthcare workers: a retrospective study...