27 Nov Il ricovero in ambito neuropsichiatrico dell’adolescente: qual è la sua prospettiva? Revisione della letteratura
Hospitalization of adolescents with neuropsychiatric disease: what is their perspective? Literature review...
Hospitalization of adolescents with neuropsychiatric disease: what is their perspective? Literature review...
Progetto Articolo 17: Il Paziente Smart. ...
Babywering in pediatric palliative care: feasibility study...
Assistance to the dying person in the hospital: limits and difficulties perceived by nurses...
Supraglottic airways devices outside the hospitals: a narrative review...
The patients’ voice with heart failure: results of a pilot study...
Effectiveness of telemedicine strategies in preventing stroke recurrence and reducing risk factors: a systematic review...
Knowledge and attitudes of nurses, midwives and students on voluntary termination of pregnancy: a national survey...
The use of inotropic agents: a literature review...
The gender bias in healthcare: a qualitative study...